Even people who have the best memory in the world lose their keys!According to Scott Hagwood has managed to retain the order of nine games in a row cards, there are still ways to improve memory. He who became the first American Grand Master of Memory gave us simple tips that anyone can apply and transform his life. Here's what he advises category by category.
1 / Long lists
Just as you do your shopping or you walk into a supermarket without a list to forget what you want to buy. Given the abundance your brain forgets things. Solution: To boost your memory, play each thing you want to buy. "So we can even the most unusual objects and more insignificant," said Shane Bush, neuropsychologist in New York.Imagine Carla Bruni in miniskirt trying to keep a pack of milk in one hand and a wand in the other. Bizarre? But you certainly will not forget the milk or bread ...
Just as you do your shopping or you walk into a supermarket without a list to forget what you want to buy. Given the abundance your brain forgets things. Solution: To boost your memory, play each thing you want to buy. "So we can even the most unusual objects and more insignificant," said Shane Bush, neuropsychologist in New York.Imagine Carla Bruni in miniskirt trying to keep a pack of milk in one hand and a wand in the other. Bizarre? But you certainly will not forget the milk or bread ...
2 / The details of a meeting
If you remember as insignificant as the name of his dog items, her favorite color, she literally crack. Nevertheless store all this information is often difficult, especially if at the first appointment you paid more attention to his lips at rest Solution: Use the said chamber to boost your memory technique. According to Scott Hagwood you will be able to retain a lot of information as well.Imagine a room that is familiar to you. When you tell personal things about his life, imagine being there in action to achieve them in different parts of the room. If she loves running , imagine that hounds into a corner. If she likes more beautiful life, imagine watching the series in the opposite corner, 4 tips to develop your memory
If you remember as insignificant as the name of his dog items, her favorite color, she literally crack. Nevertheless store all this information is often difficult, especially if at the first appointment you paid more attention to his lips at rest Solution: Use the said chamber to boost your memory technique. According to Scott Hagwood you will be able to retain a lot of information as well.Imagine a room that is familiar to you. When you tell personal things about his life, imagine being there in action to achieve them in different parts of the room. If she loves running , imagine that hounds into a corner. If she likes more beautiful life, imagine watching the series in the opposite corner, 4 tips to develop your memory
3 / telephone
According to George W Rebok, a professor in the department of mental Johns Hopkins University, the brain can not remember many long sequences of numbers. Besides that did not confuse phone numbers ...The solution: Give a logical sense each set of numbers. Although a French edition contains 10 figures, it can be divided into several series such as suites departments, impressionable years, etc..
According to George W Rebok, a professor in the department of mental Johns Hopkins University, the brain can not remember many long sequences of numbers. Besides that did not confuse phone numbers ...The solution: Give a logical sense each set of numbers. Although a French edition contains 10 figures, it can be divided into several series such as suites departments, impressionable years, etc..
4 / instructions
"No matter if you remember all the instructions, even the greatest experts can forget information if they are given too quickly," said Scott Hagwood. Solution: According to Scott Hagwood in this case the key to improve memory is to control the flow of information.When you start to give you, do not hesitate to pause and ask a question to slow down. You can also make a comment to one of the informants on his name, a resemblance to a celebrity, etc.. While you are told to take the opportunity to remember the information that we just gave you. And do not hesitate to repeat ...
"No matter if you remember all the instructions, even the greatest experts can forget information if they are given too quickly," said Scott Hagwood. Solution: According to Scott Hagwood in this case the key to improve memory is to control the flow of information.When you start to give you, do not hesitate to pause and ask a question to slow down. You can also make a comment to one of the informants on his name, a resemblance to a celebrity, etc.. While you are told to take the opportunity to remember the information that we just gave you. And do not hesitate to repeat ...
4 tips to develop your memory Article