Man's natural movements
We understand basic motor skills, all forms of natural movements that are necessary for human movement, which provides a basis for fine motor skills and the acquisition of more complex skills.
It is necessary to foster the development and proper domain of basic skills such as jumping, running, walking, etc.., As they are the basic and essential part of our gross motor, so we can carry out more specific.This will allow the development of the child's acquisition of the objectives of physical education.
Classification of motor skills
- locomotion : are movements that are intended primarily to bring the body back and forth in space. Like for example: walk, run, jump, slide, roll, climb, etc..
- No locomotive : its main feature is the management and control of the body in space. Like for example: swinging, bending, stretching, bending, twisting, twisting, pushing, lifting, hanging, balancing, etc.
- reception or projection : are characterized by a projection, and receiving handling and moving objects. Like for example, throw, hit, hit, catch, roll, etc..
Basic motor skills: Coordination and balance.
Basic skills are a support for skills development that we assimilate to see and observe, being present from the moment of birth and throughout our development.
The characteristics that make a motor skill is basic are:
- They must be common to all people.
- Make basic to live.
- Be basis for motor learning.
We consider basic motor skills to movement, jumps, spins, throws, all related to the coordination and balance.
1. - Displacement : By scrolling understand all progression from one point to another in space, using body movement as a means total or partial. The two most important of displacement are the walking and running.
Two. - Jumps : Jump development is based on complicated modifications of the race and the walk, with the variant off the ground as a result of violent extension of one or both legs. In every leap there are two phases:
-Preparation phase prior or jump.
-Phase action, or jump itself.
Its implementation involves putting into action of the factors of strength, balance and coordination. Children begin to jump from the 18 months or so. After 27 months, can jump from a height of 30cm.
Three. - Money : We understand everyone turning body movement involving a rotation through shafts spanning ideal man, vertical, transverse and sagittal. The money, from the functional point of view is one of the skills useful in the orientation and position of the person.
We establish several types of turns:
-According to the three body axes: Rotations, Tumbling, Wheels.
-Money in contact with the ground.
-Money in suspension.
-Money constant grip hands (horizontal bar).
-Pivot with multiple suspension supports and succession.
April. - Balance : is closely linked to the central nervous system, which needs the information hearing, vision and kinesthetic system (which is located in the muscles, joints and tendons, and provides information on the movement of the body). So, on balance we can understand, the ability to assume and maintain a certain position against gravity.
Its development is related to factors such as type psychomotor coordination, strength, flexibility, etc.. and functional aspects such as the base, the height of the center of gravity, the difficulty of the exercise, etc..
Depending on the degree of development of the child, the balance has different degrees of progress:
- To the 1st year the child is able to stand.
- By age 2 progressively increases the possibility of staying briefly on a support.
- After 3 years can stay on one foot three to four seconds and go on a straight line marked on the ground.
- By age 5 static and dynamic equilibrium reach a lot of maturity,
- But not until age 7 when fully ripened complete balancing system walk straight with eyes closed.
We can speak of two types of balance:
- The static equilibrium : the projected center of gravity within the area bounded by the outer contours of the foot.
- The dynamic balance : the state in which the person moves. During this movement, constantly changing its base of support.
At the moment the balance is altered, one of the most obvious is that arise vertigo. Vertigo is defined as a false sense of rotation or displacement of the person or objects. At other times what appears is a feeling of walking on a mat or on cotton, which is what is known as dizziness.
May. - Coordination : Coordination is defined as the nervous control of muscle contractions in the performance of motor acts. Also, because the synchronization capacity of the action of the muscles producing movements, agonists and antagonists, speaking the same at the right time and with the appropriate speed and intensity.
Coordination types: addressing the body parts involved in the movement can be distinguished:
- General Dynamics : one that groups the movements that require joint action by all parts of the body. Involves large number of segments and muscles, and therefore, large amount of motor neuron units.
- Oculus-hand and eye-PEDIS : that which is directed to the hands or feet. The exercises are intended to develop launches and receptions.
- Dynamic-Manual : corresponds to bimanual movement that is performed accurately.
The dynamic coordination generally underlies all movement, being present in all the basic skills.
Movement is intended to serve its purpose with minimum energy expenditure.
Coordination characteristics are:
- The precision of execution.
- Its implementation with minimum expense.
-The ease and safety of execution.
- Degree or level of automatism.
Through coordination exercises develop the different skills and abilities in relation to body movement.
Postural adjustment Exercises
Postural adjustment is the way the body reacts to a constant stimulus or "gravity", conditioned by morphological factors (muscle, bone, etc..), Neurological (reflexes), and affective.
For proper development of postural adjustment, exercises should be done with the following features:
-Postural awareness exercises and harmonizing the body schema.
-Exercises local and general relaxation.
-Body flexibility exercises.
-Muscle balance exercises, aimed at strengthening those muscle groups exercised for some activities of daily living.
-Exercises for strengthening and relaxation of the deep layer of the muscles of the spine.
-Muscle exercises aimed at drivers of shoulder joint.
-Abdominal exercises.
Basic motor skills