10 tips to improve his eyesight part 1

Your eyesight is not what it was? Follow our advice quickly! Eye exercises, foods, palming ...Medisite and Dr. Damien Gatinel, ophthalmologist, explains how to improve your eyesight and protect against aging.

Moisten your eyes

moisten the eyes
We blink 12 to 20 times per minute. "This phenomenon stimulates the secretion of tears and promotes harmonious spread of the tear film that protects the surface of our eyes," says Dr. Damien Gatinel. If the eye dries, it causes eye fatigue that can affect the vision.
In practice: To avoid dry eyes, blink for 30 seconds in an exaggerated movement. You activate your tear glands that produce tears and will moisten the eye. It is also possible to use artificial tears (sold in drugstores) or saline in sterile uniform doses.

Make visual breaks every 30 minutes
visual break
If you watch television or length that you are often in front of the computer screen, take breaks for your eyes! The eye functions like auto focus and makes updates to automatic point by making micro-movements of adaptation.Immobility and focusing screen cause eyestrain.
In practice: Every 30 minutes, remove the top of your screen, set a distant object, then right and left without moving your head. Repeat the exercise 10 times and then blink 3 or 4 times in the eyes staring sharply to stimulate tear production. Ensure that the distance between your eyes and the screen is minimum 40cm, and never work in the dark.

Eat blueberries

blueberry views
During World War II, pilots of the Royal Air Force found that bilberry improves night vision. Its main constituents, anthocyanidins, combined with its natural richness in vitamin C help, according to a French study of Prof. Goetz in 2008, regeneration of retinal purple, a better visual acuity and efficient effect on eyestrain.
In practice: blueberries are eaten as often as possible, both in fruit juice!

Test the "palming"!

palming improve eyesight
In 1920 Dr. Bates, American ophthalmologist, developed the technique of palming. This is combined heat and darkness the eyes relax and regenerate.
In practice: Ask your palms shaped hull on your closed eyes for 2-3 minutes.The fingers are joined and do not allow light to pass. The ideal is to do this every time the eyes are very busy (computer, TV screen ...).

Monitor your blood

monitor voltage seen
Abnormally high blood pressure in the arteries (characteristic sign of hypertension ) undermines long-term blood vessels of the eye. The risk: damage to the retina can lead to blindness.

In practice: If you have high blood pressure, we must be vigilant and monitor your blood pressure regularly. Seek advice from your doctor.


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