Practice eye exercises
In practice: Fix your index as close as possible to the nose while trying to keep as long as possible sharpness. Never stop to fix your index, keep the slowly as far as your arm allows. Repeat 25 times in a row, as slowly as possible. Ideally, perform this exercise three times a day. In times of hard work on the computer or reading, one time every hour.
Note: If there is no improvement after 7 days of regular practice, consult an ophthalmologist.
Prefer dark leafy
In practice: The dark green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale, peas, but also corn, pumpkin are particularly rich in these compounds. It is recommended to consume at least 2-3 servings per week of one of these vegetables.
Note: Other vitamins (A, C, ...) are necessary for the proper functioning of our eyes.They are found in good quantities in carrots and citrus.
Wear sunglasses
"The sun is not the friend of our eyes. UV rays can cause damage in the lens if they are not protected. The more they are, the more they cause a clouding of the lens to the formation of a cataract , "says Dr. Damien Gatinel.
Caution: the dark glasses unapproved *. More they are darker, the pupil expands to let in the light and if protection is inadequate, harmful UV. Buy them with a protection cla
Forget the cigarette
The most affected people: smokers consuming one pack a day or more years.
Note: Alcohol has a similar effect to smoking beyond two glasses of wine per day. Worse, the association alcohol tobacco.
* Macular degeneration related to age
** significant decrease of blood flow in the retinass of 3 or 4.
Treat Diabetes
"Diabetes affects all blood vessels including the eye, retinal metabolism and destabilizing the crystalline lens," says Dr Damien Gatinel. It can cause such an early clouding of the lens (ie, risk of cataracts).
In practice: "People with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar and make a review of the fundus one time per year," the specialist recommends.
10 tips to improve his eyesight part 2