4 tips to develop your memory Article
Posted by Unknown on 11:37 AM
Even people who have the best memory in the world lose their keys!According to Scott Hagwood has managed to retain the order of nine games in a row cards, there are still ways to improve memory. He who became the first American Grand Master of Memory gave us simple tips that anyone can apply and transform his life. Here's what he advises category by category.
1 / Long lists
Just as you do your shopping or you walk into a supermarket without a list to forget what you want to buy. Given the abundance your brain forgets things. Solution: To boost your memory, play each thing you want to buy. "So we can even the most unusual objects and more insignificant," said Shane Bush, neuropsychologist in New York.Imagine Carla Bruni in miniskirt trying to keep a pack of milk in one hand and a wand in the other. Bizarre? But you certainly will not forget the milk or bread ...
Just as you do your shopping or you walk into a supermarket without a list to forget what you want to buy. Given the abundance your brain forgets things. Solution: To boost your memory, play each thing you want to buy. "So we can even the most unusual objects and more insignificant," said Shane Bush, neuropsychologist in New York.Imagine Carla Bruni in miniskirt trying to keep a pack of milk in one hand and a wand in the other. Bizarre? But you certainly will not forget the milk or bread ...
2 / The details of a meeting
If you remember as insignificant as the name of his dog items, her favorite color, she literally crack. Nevertheless store all this information is often difficult, especially if at the first appointment you paid more attention to his lips at rest Solution: Use the said chamber to boost your memory technique. According to Scott Hagwood you will be able to retain a lot of information as well.Imagine a room that is familiar to you. When you tell personal things about his life, imagine being there in action to achieve them in different parts of the room. If she loves running , imagine that hounds into a corner. If she likes more beautiful life, imagine watching the series in the opposite corner, 4 tips to develop your memory
If you remember as insignificant as the name of his dog items, her favorite color, she literally crack. Nevertheless store all this information is often difficult, especially if at the first appointment you paid more attention to his lips at rest Solution: Use the said chamber to boost your memory technique. According to Scott Hagwood you will be able to retain a lot of information as well.Imagine a room that is familiar to you. When you tell personal things about his life, imagine being there in action to achieve them in different parts of the room. If she loves running , imagine that hounds into a corner. If she likes more beautiful life, imagine watching the series in the opposite corner, 4 tips to develop your memory
3 / telephone
According to George W Rebok, a professor in the department of mental Johns Hopkins University, the brain can not remember many long sequences of numbers. Besides that did not confuse phone numbers ...The solution: Give a logical sense each set of numbers. Although a French edition contains 10 figures, it can be divided into several series such as suites departments, impressionable years, etc..
According to George W Rebok, a professor in the department of mental Johns Hopkins University, the brain can not remember many long sequences of numbers. Besides that did not confuse phone numbers ...The solution: Give a logical sense each set of numbers. Although a French edition contains 10 figures, it can be divided into several series such as suites departments, impressionable years, etc..
4 / instructions
"No matter if you remember all the instructions, even the greatest experts can forget information if they are given too quickly," said Scott Hagwood. Solution: According to Scott Hagwood in this case the key to improve memory is to control the flow of information.When you start to give you, do not hesitate to pause and ask a question to slow down. You can also make a comment to one of the informants on his name, a resemblance to a celebrity, etc.. While you are told to take the opportunity to remember the information that we just gave you. And do not hesitate to repeat ...
"No matter if you remember all the instructions, even the greatest experts can forget information if they are given too quickly," said Scott Hagwood. Solution: According to Scott Hagwood in this case the key to improve memory is to control the flow of information.When you start to give you, do not hesitate to pause and ask a question to slow down. You can also make a comment to one of the informants on his name, a resemblance to a celebrity, etc.. While you are told to take the opportunity to remember the information that we just gave you. And do not hesitate to repeat ...
Some law students have a better memory than others
Posted by Unknown on 11:35 AM
Memory is one of the most requested when making law school skills.
The law student is called upon to "swallow" a lot of data throughout its course: legal principles, articles, case law, notices, dates, etc ...
Some law students have a better memory than others and assimilate the information much faster.
If you're not one of those people, good news know that memory, such as concentration improves so much less laborious than we can imagine.
Here are some tips to improve your memory.
Do not push your brain to the end , the bully does not make you more productive. It is preferable, for example, if you learn a law course bonds of about 70 pages, to learn for a long time to be booking a few minutes daily (30 min).
You will eventually spend a lot less time than if you do it only for 3 or 4 days non-stop for the short-term memory saturates quickly.
Conversely, learning your course in installments, this is your long-term memory which will be sought. This will allow you to keep the information much longer.
The brain is a machine, but an intelligent machine.
By learning your course, try to make representations. Try to image the words you imagine situations .
For example: If you find a law or jurisprudence, try to put yourself in the shoes of the person to whom it applies. How would you react? How would you feel?
Look how the proceeds mnemonist Vincent Delourmel to save his card game
Do not learn in a linear fashion and discipline your courses.
Make connections with the knowledge that you already have.
All connections are good to do as they are logical, even if you establish connections with ideas that have no direct relation to the right.
The idea is really to create a conductive path between a dataset.
Memory and forgetting are two inseparable elements.
If oblivion is frowned upon, yet he can consolidate our memory. By forgetting the brain gets rid of unnecessary information which it considers (often information which we did not come for a while).
So remember to help your brain by writing the information that you do not want to lose but you are not especially useful in everyday life (books to read, task etc..).
So it gives good results, the brain needs to be well fed. Here is a list of foods or vitamins good for memory:
- The sugars
- Vitamin C and vitamin B
- Legumes (lentils, beans etc.).
- Whole grains (rich in vitamin B1)
- Fruits and vegetables (rich in vitamin B9)
- Fish, eggs and dairy products (rich in B12)
- Magnesium
Logical, yet overlooked, sleep is the cornerstone of working memory. So if you want to sleep well, ventilate your room before sleeping and make sure that the room temperature is 15 degrees.
How to Improve your memory article
Posted by Unknown on 11:32 AM
Losing his keys, his phone, do not put a name to a face, it can happen but the small holes of memory you spoil life. Here are some things to consider to boost your memory and increase your potential for concentration.Activities and tricks
The important thing is to remain intellectually active and increase neuronal connections:- play games of thinking and logic (Scrabble, checkers, chess, crosswords ...);
- boost your memory by memorizing: phone numbers, driving directions, songs ... ;
- favor a sleep that will help you fix the news of the day;
- share with friends and family on the news, debates, films, spark a conversation;
- for seniors, the sports seem to have beneficial effects on memory;
- consider using sticky notes and reminder (alarm phone, Post-it ...).
- pleasure boosts brain do not hesitate to go out to a movie theater, a concert, an exhibition ...
Food and lifestyle
Favor a balanced diet and structured to prevent "strokes."- B12 (shellfish, liver, fish, dairy products) and E limit faulty memory and the destruction of neurons .
- Think drink regularly.
- Fruits and vegetables have an antioxidant that strengthens the wall of neurons.
- Fat polyunsaturated (rapeseed oil and fish).
- Alcohol in small quantities reduce Alzheimer's risk.
- Limit the nicotine that blocks the activity of brain receptors.
- Tea and coffee impair concentration: in moderation. .
10 tips to improve his eyesight part 2
Posted by Unknown on 11:24 AM
Practice eye exercises
In practice: Fix your index as close as possible to the nose while trying to keep as long as possible sharpness. Never stop to fix your index, keep the slowly as far as your arm allows. Repeat 25 times in a row, as slowly as possible. Ideally, perform this exercise three times a day. In times of hard work on the computer or reading, one time every hour.
Note: If there is no improvement after 7 days of regular practice, consult an ophthalmologist.
Prefer dark leafy
In practice: The dark green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, kale, peas, but also corn, pumpkin are particularly rich in these compounds. It is recommended to consume at least 2-3 servings per week of one of these vegetables.
Note: Other vitamins (A, C, ...) are necessary for the proper functioning of our eyes.They are found in good quantities in carrots and citrus.
moisten the eyes
Wear sunglasses
"The sun is not the friend of our eyes. UV rays can cause damage in the lens if they are not protected. The more they are, the more they cause a clouding of the lens to the formation of a cataract , "says Dr. Damien Gatinel.
Caution: the dark glasses unapproved *. More they are darker, the pupil expands to let in the light and if protection is inadequate, harmful UV. Buy them with a protection cla
Forget the cigarette
The most affected people: smokers consuming one pack a day or more years.
Note: Alcohol has a similar effect to smoking beyond two glasses of wine per day. Worse, the association alcohol tobacco.
* Macular degeneration related to age
** significant decrease of blood flow in the retinass of 3 or 4.
Treat Diabetes
"Diabetes affects all blood vessels including the eye, retinal metabolism and destabilizing the crystalline lens," says Dr Damien Gatinel. It can cause such an early clouding of the lens (ie, risk of cataracts).
In practice: "People with diabetes should monitor their blood sugar and make a review of the fundus one time per year," the specialist recommends.
10 tips to improve his eyesight part 1
Posted by Unknown on 11:18 AM
Your eyesight is not what it was? Follow our advice quickly! Eye exercises, foods, palming ...Medisite and Dr. Damien Gatinel, ophthalmologist, explains how to improve your eyesight and protect against aging.
Moisten your eyes
In practice: To avoid dry eyes, blink for 30 seconds in an exaggerated movement. You activate your tear glands that produce tears and will moisten the eye. It is also possible to use artificial tears (sold in drugstores) or saline in sterile uniform doses.
Make visual breaks every 30 minutes
If you watch television or length that you are often in front of the computer screen, take breaks for your eyes! The eye functions like auto focus and makes updates to automatic point by making micro-movements of adaptation.Immobility and focusing screen cause eyestrain.
In practice: Every 30 minutes, remove the top of your screen, set a distant object, then right and left without moving your head. Repeat the exercise 10 times and then blink 3 or 4 times in the eyes staring sharply to stimulate tear production. Ensure that the distance between your eyes and the screen is minimum 40cm, and never work in the dark.
Eat blueberries
In practice: blueberries are eaten as often as possible, both in fruit juice!
Test the "palming"!
In 1920 Dr. Bates, American ophthalmologist, developed the technique of palming. This is combined heat and darkness the eyes relax and regenerate.
In practice: Ask your palms shaped hull on your closed eyes for 2-3 minutes.The fingers are joined and do not allow light to pass. The ideal is to do this every time the eyes are very busy (computer, TV screen ...).
Monitor your blood
Abnormally high blood pressure in the arteries (characteristic sign of hypertension ) undermines long-term blood vessels of the eye. The risk: damage to the retina can lead to blindness.
In practice: If you have high blood pressure, we must be vigilant and monitor your blood pressure regularly. Seek advice from your doctor.
10 foods to enhance breasts
Posted by Unknown on 11:05 AM
How to make your breasts grow naturally with diet
If you want to know how to naturally grow breasts, it is important to know that there are foods that can stimulate it. This time I'll introduce you 10 foods you can include in your diet.
The components that must be present in foods that support the growth of the breastare estrogen and similar substances such asisoflavones, phytoestrogens and amino acids , among others. Within this food group can be mentioned 10, which may be present in the daily diet. food 10 breast enhancement
In addition to these natural foods, has recently hit the market some cookies called cookies cup containing Pueraria Mirifica , an herb that increases the bust. These cookies are originally from Thailand and Burma . whether you need your breasts grow naturally can make it through food, usually eating these 10 foods .
- Soy and its derivatives : These foods contain isoflavones , substances that act similarly to estrogen.
- Fennel : The food can stimulate the growth of breast tissue through the content in flavonoids .
- Coles : These usually consumed may also increase breast volume due to the flavonoids it has.
- Whole Grains : Whole grains contain phytosterols, vitamins and minerals that can boost breast augmentation.
- Alfalfa sprouts : This food is rich in minerals, vitamins and phytoestrogens to promote breast growth.
- Sunflower seeds : These seeds are high in protein which increase breast volume.
- Linseed : Nutrients (phytoestrogens) that contain these seeds stimulate breast size.
- Fenugreek : This vegetable is highly recognized as a food withproperties breast enhancement naturally. This plant contains substances that stimulate the production of steroid compounds , which directly influences the size of the breasts.
- Parsley : A plant that stimulates production of estrogen and even regulates hormonal disorders.
- Avocado : This food is made up of 10 essential amino acids and vitamins that promote the growth of the mammary gland.
In addition to these natural foods, has recently hit the market some cookies called cookies cup containing Pueraria Mirifica , an herb that increases the bust. These cookies are originally from Thailand and Burma . whether you need your breasts grow naturally can make it through food, usually eating these 10 foods .
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Basic motor skills
Posted by Unknown on 11:01 AM
Man's natural movements
We understand basic motor skills, all forms of natural movements that are necessary for human movement, which provides a basis for fine motor skills and the acquisition of more complex skills.
It is necessary to foster the development and proper domain of basic skills such as jumping, running, walking, etc.., As they are the basic and essential part of our gross motor, so we can carry out more specific.This will allow the development of the child's acquisition of the objectives of physical education.
Classification of motor skills
- locomotion : are movements that are intended primarily to bring the body back and forth in space. Like for example: walk, run, jump, slide, roll, climb, etc..
- No locomotive : its main feature is the management and control of the body in space. Like for example: swinging, bending, stretching, bending, twisting, twisting, pushing, lifting, hanging, balancing, etc.
- reception or projection : are characterized by a projection, and receiving handling and moving objects. Like for example, throw, hit, hit, catch, roll, etc..
Basic motor skills: Coordination and balance.
Basic skills are a support for skills development that we assimilate to see and observe, being present from the moment of birth and throughout our development.
The characteristics that make a motor skill is basic are:
- They must be common to all people.
- Make basic to live.
- Be basis for motor learning.
We consider basic motor skills to movement, jumps, spins, throws, all related to the coordination and balance.
1. - Displacement : By scrolling understand all progression from one point to another in space, using body movement as a means total or partial. The two most important of displacement are the walking and running.
Two. - Jumps : Jump development is based on complicated modifications of the race and the walk, with the variant off the ground as a result of violent extension of one or both legs. In every leap there are two phases:
-Preparation phase prior or jump.
-Phase action, or jump itself.
Its implementation involves putting into action of the factors of strength, balance and coordination. Children begin to jump from the 18 months or so. After 27 months, can jump from a height of 30cm.
Three. - Money : We understand everyone turning body movement involving a rotation through shafts spanning ideal man, vertical, transverse and sagittal. The money, from the functional point of view is one of the skills useful in the orientation and position of the person.
We establish several types of turns:
-According to the three body axes: Rotations, Tumbling, Wheels.
-Money in contact with the ground.
-Money in suspension.
-Money constant grip hands (horizontal bar).
-Pivot with multiple suspension supports and succession.
April. - Balance : is closely linked to the central nervous system, which needs the information hearing, vision and kinesthetic system (which is located in the muscles, joints and tendons, and provides information on the movement of the body). So, on balance we can understand, the ability to assume and maintain a certain position against gravity.
Its development is related to factors such as type psychomotor coordination, strength, flexibility, etc.. and functional aspects such as the base, the height of the center of gravity, the difficulty of the exercise, etc..
Depending on the degree of development of the child, the balance has different degrees of progress:
- To the 1st year the child is able to stand.
- By age 2 progressively increases the possibility of staying briefly on a support.
- After 3 years can stay on one foot three to four seconds and go on a straight line marked on the ground.
- By age 5 static and dynamic equilibrium reach a lot of maturity,
- But not until age 7 when fully ripened complete balancing system walk straight with eyes closed.
We can speak of two types of balance:
- The static equilibrium : the projected center of gravity within the area bounded by the outer contours of the foot.
- The dynamic balance : the state in which the person moves. During this movement, constantly changing its base of support.
At the moment the balance is altered, one of the most obvious is that arise vertigo. Vertigo is defined as a false sense of rotation or displacement of the person or objects. At other times what appears is a feeling of walking on a mat or on cotton, which is what is known as dizziness.
May. - Coordination : Coordination is defined as the nervous control of muscle contractions in the performance of motor acts. Also, because the synchronization capacity of the action of the muscles producing movements, agonists and antagonists, speaking the same at the right time and with the appropriate speed and intensity.
Coordination types: addressing the body parts involved in the movement can be distinguished:
- General Dynamics : one that groups the movements that require joint action by all parts of the body. Involves large number of segments and muscles, and therefore, large amount of motor neuron units.
- Oculus-hand and eye-PEDIS : that which is directed to the hands or feet. The exercises are intended to develop launches and receptions.
- Dynamic-Manual : corresponds to bimanual movement that is performed accurately.
The dynamic coordination generally underlies all movement, being present in all the basic skills.
Movement is intended to serve its purpose with minimum energy expenditure.
Coordination characteristics are:
- The precision of execution.
- Its implementation with minimum expense.
-The ease and safety of execution.
- Degree or level of automatism.
Through coordination exercises develop the different skills and abilities in relation to body movement.
Postural adjustment Exercises
Postural adjustment is the way the body reacts to a constant stimulus or "gravity", conditioned by morphological factors (muscle, bone, etc..), Neurological (reflexes), and affective.
For proper development of postural adjustment, exercises should be done with the following features:
-Postural awareness exercises and harmonizing the body schema.
-Exercises local and general relaxation.
-Body flexibility exercises.
-Muscle balance exercises, aimed at strengthening those muscle groups exercised for some activities of daily living.
-Exercises for strengthening and relaxation of the deep layer of the muscles of the spine.
-Muscle exercises aimed at drivers of shoulder joint.
-Abdominal exercises.
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